Liked on YouTube: Windows 7 booting from iSCSI (no HDD installed)

Windows 7 booting from iSCSI (no HDD installed)
Don’t mind the noise in the background 🙂

Windows 7 is booting from an encrypted iSCSI volume which is hosted on a Fedora 13 machine. The Fedora 13 machine handles all of the encryption in hardware. The windows 7 machine just contains the minimal components for it to POST and a DVD-ROM drive. All of the traffic over the wire is in plain text (for now). Tools used gPXE, dnsmasq, netbsd-iscsi-target, fedora, windows, lvm, md, luks, device-mapper (at the time of this video).

Here is a blog post giving a loose summary on how to configure this:
via YouTube